To choose the very stone material is not an easy task, though this is an important and long term investment. The next step is to find the most suitable moulding profiles for kitchen or bathroom surfaces, for windowsills or stairs.
The most demanding variants are depicted below. They can be adjusted in accordance with your taste, the width of a chosen stone and the style of the whole interior.
There are numerous variants of profiles beginning from the simplest square angled with chamfers to complicated and classical products. The form of a surface not necessarily should be square angled, it can also be round, oval or bending.
To vary your choice of a classical stone surface, we would like to offer you variant 13 with its three level roundish form, so called ‘a cloud’, or variants 11 and 17 – ‘a heel’. These three types of profiles are the most favourable among our clients.
An excellent decoration of a stone surface is moulding profile 16. A stainless steel or brass pivot is being installed into a stone surface – a real Italian classical style!
Profile 18 of a cut type for walls lining visually makes the chosen material thinner.